Transition to Solids
It's a nerve-wracking time for any parent. See our tips and tricks for introducing solids to your little one, from the age of 6 months.
Most babies are ready from about 6 months to try some solid foods. However, some will need to wait a little longer. Breast milk or formula is all your baby needs for the first 6 months.
Your baby is ready to try some solid food when,
they show an interest in food
can hold their head up and sit with less help
they make chewing movements with their mouth
they open their mouths when the spoon touches their lip or gets near their mouth
can keep food in their mouth and swallow without spitting it out
Some useful tips when introducing solid foods,
Offer milk before solids - breast milk or infant formula is still the most important food for your baby.
Start by offering small amounts - 1/2 tsp to 2 teaspoons. Slowly increase the amount you offer.
Start by offering solids once per day.
Start with one food and then slowly introduce new foods. Try a new food every 2-4 days.
Let your baby develop their own tastes. Babies like some foods or tastes more than others.
If your baby refuses a food, try mixing it with a food they do like, or wait a few days and try again. It may take up to 15 times!
Adapted from the Health Promotion Agency -
See this link for more information and a video on starting solids.
Tips for preventing allergies
Research shows that introduction common 'allergen' foods (egg, peanut, cow’s milk (dairy), tree nuts (such as cashew or almond paste), soy, sesame, wheat, fish,
and other seafood) before 12 months of age, can give your baby the best chance to avoid developing allergies to these foods.
See the Australasian society of clinical immunology and allergy (ASCIA) resource for parents here.
Tips for managing constipation
The transition from milk to solid foods, can increase the chance of constipation in some babies.
Try these tips for managing constipation in your little one,
try to offer fruit and vegetables as the predominant food over this time
offer your extra baby water in throughout the day
See these links for extra information