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At Village Health, we work as a team. You may not always need to make an appointment with a doctor. Sometimes a nurse or one of our other health staff may be able to help you. Have a look at the role descriptions below to get an idea of how we work.



The doctors at Village Health see patients directly for medical care and oversee all patient care. Get familiar with our team of doctors here.  At Village Health we value continuity of care. This means, we encourage you to see your registered doctor wherever possible. If you are not able to get an appointment with your regular doctor, and you have an urgent request or need to be seen on the day, we offer an acute service to meet these needs.


GP Registrars

We are a teaching practice of the NZ College of General practice. This means that we will have GP registrars working at Village Health from time to time. All registrars are qualified doctors and many have extensive experience in the hospital system. They practice here under supervision by one of our team of doctors at all times. You may be offered an appointment with a registrar if your usual doctor is fully booked.



We are lucky to have TuneUp Physio on board. Our physiotherapist covers many areas of specialty including long and short term back pain, and even breathing and vocal physio that can be effective for managing anxiety.

To see our Physiotherapy treatment list, please click here.



You will get familiar with our team of nurses. They offer a variety of services and work closely with the doctors. For a full list of nurse services, please click here.



Our dietitian is here to help you with your dietary and digestive needs. You doctor might suggest you see a dietitian instead of themselves if your treatment plan indicates. Often, chronic lifestyle conditions such as constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, can be treated effectively through diet and lifestyle change.


Healthcare Assistant

Healthcare Assistant 'assists' the nurses and doctors by doing many routine tasks such as clinical observations (heights, weights, blood pressure and pulse etc).


Health Coach


Health Improvement Practitioner 



Our reception staff are your first port of call when you want to make an appointment or have a query. Other ways to contact reception include via email, or on your Manage My Health app.



© 2023 Village Health  |  03 338 8595  |  30 Lincoln Road, Christchurch

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