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Date of Birth

Please complete the sections below so we have the correct information about the countries you are visiting, the duration of travel and the type of travel you are undertaking.

Examples as below:

  1. Thailand; Airbnb; 5/8/24-9/8/24; 5 days

  2. Indonesia; Resort; 10/8/24- 12/8/24; 3 days

Purpose of trip

Please select that apply

Your activities

Please select that apply

Your Health

Any Allergies
Planning to conceive within 3 months of return from travel?
Personal or strong family history of leg or lung blood clots?
Asthma or COPD
Hospital admission in the last 3 months?
Other medications

Your Vaccination History

Did you miss any of your childhood or scheduled vaccines?

© 2023 Village Health  |  03 338 8595  |  30 Lincoln Road, Christchurch

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